
幸福源自於自信優質的微笑, Dr.Wells從一顆最純粹的心出發。

1992年Dr.Wells的前身—「國維牙醫診所」誕生於天母忠誠路上,曾育弘博士秉持「人文、科技、優質」的理念堅持下,成立Dr.Wells 維育牙醫診所。

Dr. Wells懷抱著創新優質的服務信念與國際級的醫療品質,結合數位牙醫科技,逐漸萌芽擴展。

About Us

Founded in 1992, the Dr. Wells Dental Chain has over 90 franchised dental clinics including three clinics across the Taiwan Strait. After establishing itself as the first dental chain in Taiwan, Dr. Wells has been committed to improving the level of dental care both in China and the rest of the world.

On top of introducing efficient dental service management systems to China and we have established high-end dental clinics in metropolitan cities such as Shanghai and Beijing. Our medical team is composed of professor-level senior experts from the United States, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, and Macao.

Our Mission

Weiyu Dental Clinic has seven-star equipment and a professional medical team to match! We ensure that we comprehensively improve service quality, bridge treatment gaps between medical institutions in urban and rural areas, provide quality medical care choices for the whole nation, and pass on credible oral health education.

You are welcome to come and visit!

Brand story

Clear-cut communication prior to treatment. Respect for the patient’s right to know. Intimate, custom-designed services. Minimized stress. These are just a few pillars of what makes us Dr. Wells. We collaborate with major banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, and international medical clinics to provide you with top-quality, convenient services.

Our full range of imported medical equipment, international sanitation standards, and elegant clinics provide a comfortable, safe, and professional environment for us to treat you in. Come on in!

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